Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015



Tsu one social networking fairly crowded the talk lately, tsu is unique because as one of the social networks that share the results or revenue sharing to its users, how to use tsu is also the same as we use facebook, namely to share content and activities - activities which as we used to do on facebook, so for those who are interested to try tsu and start earning earnings please immediately register a new social networking aja.Sebuah named Tsu, will reward the user, the content that is made in the network. Networks created by technology entrepreneur standing in 2013, but the new website was launched on 14 October.
The founders were Sebastian Sobczak, Drew Ginsburg, Thibault Boullenger, and Jonathan Lewin. What distinguishes Tsu with Facebook or other newcomers, Ello, is a tribute to the users in the form of money. This site displays ads, and promises to pay users for their contributions in the network.
Reported by ZDNet, the working principle of this site is simple. The more attractive and user-generated content is widespread, more and more acceptable wage. Tsu will only retain 10% of their income from advertising, and the remaining 90% distributed to users.
"If you compare it with existing social networks today, they are similar to radio stations playing songs everyone without giving them a royalty," said Sobczak, one of the founders quoted re / code. "It is not unusual when the user has made a valuable free content for them, and can be 100% make money," he continued.
To join this network, only through invitation. But do not worry, the user who successfully invite other users, will also miss wages. Or, you can join through a user account address, for example through my address is:
Social networks can also be accessed via the application for iOS and Android. Congratulations to share and get paid!

To enroll in tsu please follow the steps - steps below:
Open the link to get the code refferensinya
Click How to join!
  1. Click the Register / Sign Up
2. Then open your email to Confirm your registration.
3. Log in, then click the Bank then click Accept
5. Open the menu click Settings, and then click Privacy, then Accept Tsu peer-to-peer payments (unchecked)
6. Finish, and please share it on social networking sites is to generate money, and by inviting friends facebook, twitter etc to join the more money you earn.
Do not miss to get dollars and at the same gratisanya new friends from social media on this one.
How do I get a quick profit and a lot of tsu?
The key is the content, the more content you create more profit. How to make the content easy enough, simply update your status, upload photos, share / share any website or social media such as Facebook, Twitter and others.
Next is a friend, the more friends means more people who see your content. The more you like / love will increase the value of our content. Find as many friends, invite friends to join using Tsu.
• Last is invite your friends as much as possible through your shortcut. It is only to increase the number of colleagues / friends in family tree Tsu.
From the above tips are the most important is the content that gets a lot like / love and many distributed / shared by our friends. Quite easy !!!
Apart from a variety of benefits. There is a need to keep in mind, the Social Media sites Tsu is a place to socialize, share and have fun but it produces, not the workplace or business. Do not get caught convey information about how to work and how business tsu tsu.
For tips and tricks TSU in Indonesian, wait for our next update !!! Hopefully the information and guidance on how to create an account tsu is beneficial to the people of Indonesia.